Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

A Translator

Sarah's role and impression on history has been simply that of a translator. Not only in profession, but the ways she navigates rhetoric. Her translation between white, dominant colonial culture is understood as liminal. However, this is not to mean that she aimlessly wanders the liminal stage. She seems to be quite aware always of her position in between, and perhaps "runs" back and forth between colonial culture and native culture. She certainly traveled quite a bit. Otherwise, she would not be accomplished what she did.

It is difficult to explain all of Sarah's acts as a translator quickly. This is a brief overview:

became a translator near her hometown

became a translator at military forts

became a translator a military forts

The analogy of a translator simply describes Sarah's plight. She was conflicted between two different narratives, two sets of communication values, and of course tried to mediate the dialogue with her activism. However, we can further consider how her strongly considered positionality came from a place in between.


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