Fostering sustainability in Brazilian agrarian reform: insights from assentamentos and ecovillagesMain Menu0 | Executive Summary1 | Introduction2 | Research design and methods2.1 | Selecting our cases2.2 | Collecting the data2.3 | Analyzing the data2.4 | A Visual Story of Our Journey3 | Brazilian agrarian reform: historical developments3.1 | The Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST)3.2 | Assentamentos: Rural Settlements of Brazilian Agrarian Reform3.3 | Public policies for agrarian reform in Brazil3.4 | Phases of an assentamento’s history: how does an agrarian reform settlement come to be?3.4.1 | Phases of Assentamento: Grassroot Engagement3.4.2 | Phases of Assentamento: Occupation and Encampment3.4.3 | Phases of Assentamento: Establishment3.4.4 | Phases of Assentamento: Maintenance3.5 | Ecovillages: a source of insights for sustainability in small rural communities3.6 | Synthesis: assentamentos and ecovillages side-by-side4 | Analyzing sustainability challenges in assentamentos4.1 | Moving towards sustainable production4.2 | Building infrastructure for sustainability4.3 | Creating attractive conditions for the youth5 | Two domains for the design of solutions to sustainability challenges in assentamentos5.1 | Access, use and dissemination of sustainability know-how5.2 | Enabling cooperative collective dynamics through conflict resolution6 | Insights to address sustainability in assentamentos6.1 | The power of example can be an effective means for the transition to more sustainable practices6.2 | Building a common vision among assentados can support the maintenance of cooperative collective dynamics6.3 | More room for experimentation can strengthen sustainability know-how6.4 | Collective initiatives can prevent isolation in rural communities by acting as touchpoints with the external world and bringing exchange opportunities for assentados7 | Closing RemarksLIST OF TEXTUAL REFERENCES (PAPERS. BOOKS, LEGISLATION)INTERVIEWS | Complete videosCOMMUNITIES | Materials availableAUTHORS | Basic InfoOndab86d8b9ff51cdbb9a292b5a3d9ea13e8fba7795a
INTERVIEW 13 | Quote 19:04
12016-03-18T04:50:46-07:00Ondab86d8b9ff51cdbb9a292b5a3d9ea13e8fba7795a88641" José Ramos: Antes do assentamento definitivo. Mas tinha uma pequena parte de terra, mas continuava no processo emergencial. nós não tinha toda a terra. então nós tinha que produzir e ocupar mais terra. Foi nesse período ai, 92, que nós então oficializamos. Fizemos alterações na nossa associação e 93 nós oficializamos a criação da cooperativas. definimos um grupo de famílias que concordavam com as alterações e as mudanças no grupo. E chegamos num total de 24 famílias na época. Essa famílias foram as que então optaram por esse formato de cooperativa. No mesmo período aqui na região surgiram vários. instalou-se varias cooperativas. acho que foram 6 ou 7 cooperativas, no mínimo. de grupos idênticos a nosso grupo"plain2016-03-18T04:50:46-07:00Ondab86d8b9ff51cdbb9a292b5a3d9ea13e8fba7795a