Case Study: UPS Community Service Programs
However, little information was found on actual student involvement in the Community Development project beyond the plans outlined in the proposal. From the proposal alone, the writing of the grant of the project and the determination of the specific goals and activities seem to be entirely faculty-led. It would be interesting to investigate the extent to which the outlined projects were successful. Nevertheless, UPS students were engaged with community service in the black community in other ways. A 1970 article in the Tacoma Facts entitled “Black Student Union Gets Grant” describes how UPS received a $5,000 grant to employ student members as tutors for elementary and junior high children in Tacoma’s Hilltop area. It is unclear whether this grant relates to the Title I VISTA Project. Notably, it quotes not students but Professor Robert Ford, director of the Black Studies Program at UPS and initiator of the tutoring project, who calls it “a real chance for needy Black college students to earn work-study money and an excellent way to involve them in the community in a meaningful way” (A&SC--). Student involvement in the community may have been significant, but in both the University project proposal and community media it seems to have been downplayed in favor of faculty voices.