Now, Mr. Lincoln?

Black Population in Tacoma 1970/2010

Indeed, as the map comparing black populations in the 1970s and 2010s demonstrates, Tacoma, like most major U.S. cities, today remains segregated along racial lines, albeit to a lesser extent than forty years prior. Blacks retain a plurality of the populations of Hilltop and Central Tacoma, while in neighborhoods in the North End and in University Place, the proportion of black residents rarely exceeds even one percent. The map comparing black populations and average income levels in 2010 demonstrates that the correlation between black residents and higher poverty levels has diminished significantly since 1970; however, historically black neighborhoods such as Hilltop and Eastside remain obvious outliers on the income map, with average incomes that are generally twenty to thirty thousand dollars less than their wealthier (and whiter) neighbors.

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