Meal Plans at CWRU

Past Meal Plan Options

Each year, the meal plans have increased in price steadily. In the academic year from 2003 - 2004 the meal plan options were as listed:
Compared to the price of the current meal plans, prices have increased significantly since 2003. The 2003 costs per meal swipe for each plan are as listed:
  1. 19 meals/week: $4.23/meal
  2. 17 meals/week: $4.72/meal
  3. 14 meals/week (upper class men only): $5.47
  4. 10 meals/week (upper class men only): $7.43
Looking at the average 19 meals/week plan and comparing it to the current price per 19 meals/week plan ($9.08/meal), there is an increase of about 115%. The price for food has doubled since 2003 at CWRU. The rate at which the meal plans are increasing in price can be observed by comparing the 2003-2004 plans to the 2004-2005 plans. Here are the 2004-2005 meal plans:


It can easily be noted that the price of all available plans increased in just one year. The standard 19 meals/week plan costs about $4.52 for the 2004-2005 year. This is an approximate 7% increase for one year. This is the trend for the last 14 years at Case. In the end the price of the meal plan has gone up about 115% from its original price in 2003. Multiple factors could contribute to the steady rise in price such as job demands, adjusting salaries, student population, University budgets/planning etc. However, let it be noted that the price for tuition and housing has increased as well. Here is the average budget of an undergrad at CWRU in 2004:

And here is the average budget for an undergrad at CWRU in 2017 (current):


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