Netflix Culture: The Effects of Netflix on Society

Are You Still Watching?

A mild inconvenience for binge-watchers would be the "are you still watching?" feature that Netflix has maliciously developed. This feature pauses the film or show every few hours just in case the person watching has fallen asleep. Now we all know that the creators of Netflix have included this feature just to help us out. Nobody wants to accidentally sleep through a couple episodes and wake up confused about what is happening. However, viewers can't help but feel as if Netflix is judging them.
It is common to find people using Netflix as an aid to procrastination. Whether it be someone who should be getting their research assignment done, someone who needs to be getting ready for work, or someone who just needs to walk their dog, Netflix can be a temporary escape from daily responsibilities. This can cause the feeling of guilty to settle in while watching. There is enough pressure from your subconscious asking, "Should you really be watching Netflix right now?" let alone your own screen asking you, "Are you still watching?" This is why some can feel as if Netflix is judging them for watching 6 hours of The Walking Dead. "Are you still watching?" comes off as "Are you really still watching?" Stop being so condescending, Netflix. Let us procrastinate in peace.  

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