Natalia Anciso: Artivism


                      Artivism combines passion for creation with desire for change. Natalia Anciso’s works are not only vessels for activism, but the works themselves are an act of protest, a call to arms to incite change. All of her works, beyond the works analyzed for this project, serve as a catalyst for change by sparking research and conversation over a wide variety of subjects that her art deals with, from history and identity to modern politics. Natalia Anciso’s works are a reflection of her identity, her culture, and her experiences, while also acknowledging the struggles of other groups of people. Her works encompass culture and identity conflict, conflict within societal expectations, and political conflict in a way that allows the viewer to become aware of problems that are not necessarily his or her own, which in turn creates a voice for those who are voiceless or marginalized.
              Activism is not complete without art. Art and creativity are what drive movements to change. From featuring on book covers to advocating for the Time’s up and #MeToo movement to pushing for systemic change, Natalia Anciso’s art is activism in every way.


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