Museum of Resistance and Resilience


Pictured in the image below is a Canadian rock band by the name of “Neon Rome,” one of many groups that ushered the way for QueerCore. Through expressive lyrics, outspoken gay artists and a plethora of genres (ranging from punk rock, to indie, to alternative, to industrial), music served as a pivotal influence for the movement. It was another form of self-expression and a way to produce noise, literally and figuratively. It is also important to note the breadth of this movement. While music undoubtedly contributed a large role in its effect, avenues like magazines, film and writing were just as monumental. There were countless other magazines that followed suit in response of J.D’s, with each harping on the importance of individuality (i.e. Maximum RockNRoll, Holy Titclamps) (Plessis and Chapman, 1997).

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