Museum of Resistance and Resilience


We created a video to accompany this concept in order to immerse readers into what communication would feel and sound like in our imagined society. The video features multiple overlapping voices that cover everything from hate speech to celebrity gossip to other random mundane conversations. This overwhelming information overload, demonstrated by pieces of speech coming in and out of sonic and visual focus, makes it impossible for the listener to fully interpret what they are hearing or seeing before the information slips away. Since the information spoken is not entirely important, that would not be a problem, however, the video also shows that the most important narrative – the poem on sexual assault from our previous post on censorship – has also been wrapped up in the tumultuous sonic landscape, making it almost impossible for listeners to first realize that they should be paying attention to that narrative, and second, be able to pick out what that narrative is. This atmosphere of information and sound pollution, mimics that of a world without censorship. A world drowning in news and drama that the important stories, that need to be heard, are silenced.

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