Museum of Resistance and Resilience

All Art Is Resistant

Art in any shape or form, from any year, from any place, created from any values – all art forms are resistant. Abigail not only creates spaces based on issues, but at the core of all her resistance and resilience, she is creating a space that values and prioritizes the importance of artistic mediums as they are the heart and soul beating at the center of her work, but yet are often overlooked. Too often do we, as a society, find ourselves caught up in the nuances of the issues, causing us to ignore the medium that broadcasts those narratives – the messenger. Without an adequate messenger, we will not have an effective way to convey information, thus what good will an excellent narrative be if the viewer is not engaged, is confused, or is defensive? Moving beyond the issues Abigail protests against, on the following page, we will delve underneath the content of her work to the core of the mediums that enable her to transform viewers’ perceptions, and reframe how her work is usually considered and cherished.

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