Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Aspects of the Normans in Southern Italy, Sicily & North Africa

Culture Groups of the Project

Throughout this project, you will encounter many different culture groups throughout the middle Mediterranean region. Here are some of the major culture groups you will learn about:
1) Normans - Vikings who lived in the north of France that converted to French culture and Catholicism. They sailed down to the Italian Peninsula before the turn of the 9th century.
2) Italians - The majority local culture group in the Italian Peninsula. Many were Catholic and loyal to the Vatican.
3) Greeks - Also known as Byzantines. The Greek people mainly lived in cities like Bari, Apulia, and Taranto; and were loyal to the Basilius in Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul in Turkey).
4) Lombards - Germanic peoples who migrated from Germany to Italy. Many Lombards descended from the northern parts of Italy to rule their own domains in the south. Many remained loyal to the Holy Roman Emperor despite maintaining a sense of independence.
5) Berbers - North African culture group who practiced Sunni Islam. They dominated Sicily, Malta, and North Afrrica; and were loyal to various tribal factions within or outside the Zirid Dynasty in Tunisia. Were also referred to by Christians as "Saracens."
Below are also a series of minor culture groups that may be mentioned throughout the project:
6) Jews - Culture group revolved around Judaism and its practice and identity. They can be found throughout the Old World in their own communities, serving a wide variety of roles from advisors to traders.
7) Arabs - Bedouin culture group that make up the majority of the Arabian Peninsula and expanded throughout the Islamic world. Their culture, religion, innovations, and practices played a role in the creation of a Norman state. Were also referred to as "Saracens" by the Christians.
8) Saxons - Germanic culture group based originally based out of the northwest of Germany. The Saxons were feared fighters who had battled for and against the Normans on multiple occassions.

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