Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

[Tax on MT's estate] | 20 July 1911

Der Deutsche correspondent. [volume] (Baltimore, Md.), 20 July 1911. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>
TranscriptionEnglish Translation
Die Angaben der Testaments-Vollstrecker des verstorbenen Humoristen Mark Twain über die Hinterlassenschaft desselben sind vom Hinterlassenschafts-Gericht in Stamford, Conn., acceptirt und die zu entrichtende Erbschafts-Steuer ist auf $5167.01 festgestellt worden.The probate court in Stamford, Conn., has accepted the information provided by the late humorist Mark Twain's executors regarding his estate and has determined the estate tax due to be $5167.01.

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