Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

Nord Stern | Gesundheitsrath

Although Nord Stern (La Crosse, Wisc.) continually advertised the services of its "Gesundheitsrath" (apparently a group of people who responded to medical questions asked by the readers of the newspaper) the reference here is to an anonymous individual, a "health official" who supplied the newspaper with a long-running series of travel sketches describing visits to various cities in the United States. One series of these installments began in 1907, ("Reiseskizzen des Gesundheitsraths," Nordstern, 26 July 1907, 7) and ran at least until 1914, when the 108th installment was published in Volksrath, a magazine supplement to Nord Stern ("Reiseskizzen des Gesundheitsraths," Volksrath, 24 April 1914, 2).

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