Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

[MT washing hands and conscience] | 21 March 1903

Freie Presse für Texas. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.), 21 March 1903. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>
TranscriptionEnglish Translation
Der Humorist Mark Twain befand sich kürzlich in der Office des Senators Chauncy Depew und erhielt die Erlaubniß, die Hände, die durch Tinte befleckt waren, zu waschen. Depew wollte sich die Gelegenheit nicht entgehen lassen, einen Witz zu machen und meinte, es wäre doch nett, wenn er, Mark Twain, auf dieselbe Weise auch sein Gewissen reinigen könne. „Nun,“ entgegnete der Humorist ernsthaft, bei mir würde Seife jedenfalls genügen, bei Ihnen aber müßte es schon „Sapolio“ oder „Scourene“ sein.The humorist Mark Twain recently found himself in the office of Senator Chauncy Depew and was given permission to wash his hands, which were stained by ink. Depew did not want to miss the opportunity to make a joke and said that it would be nice if he, Mark Twain, could also cleanse his conscience in the same way. “Well,” replied the humorist earnestly, “soap would be sufficient for me, but for you it would have to be “Sapolio” or “Scourene”.

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