Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

[MT has gout] | 06 Oct. 1897

Illinois Staats-zeitung. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.), 06 Oct. 1897. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>
TranscriptionEnglish Translation
Eine Wiener Depesche sagt, der berühmte amerikanische Humorist Mark Twain sei durch Podagra an's Bett gefesselt, der Kranke sei aber in bester Laune und nenne sein Leiden „Zahnweh in der eZhe [sic].“A dispatch from Vienna reports that the famous American humorist Mark Twain is confined to bed by a case of gout, but that the patient is in the best of spirits and calls his affliction a “toothache of the toe.”

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