Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

[Memorial service for MT] | 01 Dec. 1910

Freie Presse für Texas. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.), 01 Dec. 1910. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>
TranscriptionEnglish Translation
In der Carnegie Hall zu New York fand eine große Gedächtnisfeier für Mark Twain statt. Die Feier war von der Academy of Arts and Letters veranstaltet. Wiliam Dean Howells führte den Vorsitz, unter den Rednern befander sich Sprecher Cannon, Chan[?] Clark, der wahrscheinlich der Sprecher des nächsten Abgeordnetenhauses sein wird, der bekannte Romanschriftsteller und Novellist Georg W. Cable, Joseph H. Choate, John P. Morgan und andere.A large memorial service for Mark Twain was held at Carnegie Hall in New York. The celebration was organized by the Academy of Arts and Letters. Wiliam Dean Howells presided, and among the speakers were Speaker Cannon, Chan[?] Clark, who will probably be the Speaker of the next House of Representatives, the noted author and novelist George W. Cable, Joseph H. Choate, John P. Morgan, and others.

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