Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and PeriodicalsMain MenuIntroduction: About the ProjectIntroductory Remarks on the ProjectCatalog of Newspaper Articlescatalog pageCatalog of Newspaper Articles in Der Deutsche Correspondent, Baltimorecatalog pageReferences to Mark Twain's Writing and Speechesreference pageOverview of Peoplereference pageOverview of Locations (map)reference pageOverview of Topicsreference pageOverview of Annotationsreference pageReference Materialreference toolsEditorial pagesproject organisationMost Recent Editsproject organisationSample Pathstest path"Ein amerikanischer Humorist." Grenzboten 33 (1874), 306-314 | Entry pageperiodical article, German, pathHolger Kerstenbe319ed8bdb5a4fd7c387ac70fb9bb1beb4a2843Klara Blanke2e76e4a8b5d98452e5fdd97c12e60f016a573238
12023-06-13T00:45:00-07:00[MT’s estate] | 08 Nov. 19101newspaper articleplain2023-06-13T00:45:01-07:00Freie Presse für Texas1910-11-08TX-0742023-06-13KBFreie Presse für Texas. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.), 08 Nov. 1910. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>The first three lines of the text below are part of the poem “Requiescat” by Ferdinand Freiligrath.
English Translation
„- doch auch dessen, Der mit Schädel und Hirn Hungernd pflügt, sei nicht vergessen.“
“- But also he, Who plowes with head and brain Always hungry, shall not be forgotten!”
So sang Freiligrath, und der kürzlich verstorbene Mark Twain hat $611,136 hinterlassen.
That is how Freiligrath put it, and the recently deceased Mark Twain left $611,136.