Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

Die geistige Kraft und das Alter | 09 Feb. 1906

Nord stern. [volume] (La Crosse, Wis.), 09 Feb. 1906. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>
The following article is only translated in part because only one paragraph discusses Mark Twain and the later part of his literary career. The rest of the article features similar short summaries of the lives and careers of other public figures.

TranscriptionEnglish Translation
Die geistige Kraft und das AlterIntellectual strength and old age
Das Thema von der geistigen Produktion im höheren Lebensalter ist neuerdings in einer Londoner periodischen Schrift behandlt worden.The subject of mental productivity in old age has recently been treated in a London periodical.
Mark Twain sah zu Beginn des siebenten Lebensjahrzehnts durch einen Buchhändlerkonkurs sein Vermögern zusammenbrechen und tilgte in wenigen Jahren durch literarische Produkte seine sämmtlichen Schulden, ohne dabei geistig zu verfallen, wie vor ihm in derselben Lage Sir Walter Scott.Mark Twain saw his fortune collapse at the beginning of the seventh decade of his life due to a bookseller's bankruptcy and paid off all his debts in a few years through literary products, without thereby falling into mental decline, as Sir Walter Scott had done before him in the same situation.

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