Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Week 7 Image — Erin Kasiou

The Butterfly Effect

My e-concept scintillessentialism reminds me of the concept of the Butterfly Effect; the idea that the smallest of changes can have massive effects, that the flap of a butterfly's wings can create a hurricane (Butterfly effect n.d.). For that reason I decided on an image of a butterfly covered in pollen, to highlight one of the important roles these tiny creatures play: the propagation and regulation of plant species (Korpella 2018). 


Butterfly effect n.d., Wikipedia, accessed 26 April 2021, <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect>

Korpella, R 2018, ​​​​​​What do Butterflies do for the Environment?, Sciencing, accessed 26 April 2021, <https://sciencing.com/what-do-butterflies-do-environment-4580181.html>

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