Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

On plant blindness

I have plant blindness. I notice them in the environment but not for themselves, they just seem to be there – the homogenous, unexamined greenery in the background. Plants seem like props on the stage of life, they set the scene for the other kinds of living (of humans and other animals) happening around them rather than living for themselves. Plants in urban environments seem especially unliving where humans constantly bustle around them hurrying here and there. Plants become furnishings for human comfort, appreciated not for themselves but for their use value, hardly different from a park bench. To counteract plant blindness and return urban plants back into beings rather than things, I propose a small dose of anthropomorphism; maybe when we pass plants —whether on campus or in the park— we should give them a friendly look and a nod, centring them as being rather than background.

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