Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene


Coprovisation is a relational tool that takes nothing for granted and everything for new. It comes from 'improvisation', but reverses its tendency to lack foresight. Instead, coprovisation is an act of foresight and manifestation - if the ends are peace, then coprovisation asks "what are the means?". Importantly, coprovisation does not demand that the ends are peace. Instead, the ends are simply the needs of the two or more bodies in interaction, and coprovisation is the process of continual adaptation to shifting contexts, events, and moods to maintain that end in harmony. Coprovisation foregrounds relationships as the substance of growth, as substance itself. Coprovisation understands that there is no life without other life, no living without multiple lives. Coprovisation is an ethic of provision, giving, growing and reciprocality.

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