Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Act 5, Scene 2: Image(s)

An Image to End on - or to Begin with?

In summation to his attempt in reading transcendentalist poetry through an eco-critical lens, Robert Kern concludes:

The point [...] is not that anthropocentrism and ecocentrism constitute a binary opposition, and that they are unavoidably at odds with each other [... rather] it is to acknowledge that ecocentrism has become a necessary supplement to our anthropocentrism. (443) 

As a conclusive musing then, I cannot help but wonder, what if we substituted the image of Genesis, of origin, with another?  What if we substituted the divine with the more-than-human world? Perhaps the (re)writing of the narrative of the anthropocene, by way of the 'pharmaeikṓn, could begin here... 

~ Vedika Rampal 


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