The Met in MotionMain MenuIntroduction: Moving through the MetArchive FeverWorldness on the MoveHD LivenessConclusionSo, what has happened, is happening, will happen to opera?Sylvia Korman5804eaa9e6616ef8921331944c570afac4400e2b
12019-06-24T21:02:41-07:00Sylvia Korman5804eaa9e6616ef8921331944c570afac4400e2b332964plain2019-06-25T17:28:18-07:00Sylvia Korman5804eaa9e6616ef8921331944c570afac4400e2bThe fermata - a musical notation meaning "hold" - indicates the cadenza. In the full score, all other parts have fermatas over rests to essentially let the other musicians know that it's the soprano's show until she's done with it.
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12019-06-24T21:00:46-07:00Sylvia Korman5804eaa9e6616ef8921331944c570afac4400e2blucia cadenza donizetti notation1The cadenza as it is in the original score, reproduced by Dover Music Scoresmedia/Lucia cadenza 2.pngplain2019-06-24T21:00:46-07:00Sylvia Korman5804eaa9e6616ef8921331944c570afac4400e2b