Mediation and Contemporary Digital Media


Throughout the module, we have discussed the close interrelationships among technology, culture and communication and the implications of the changes (e.g. the call for multimedia scholarly literature). To illustrate the dialectical and reciprocal human-technology connections, I'd like to employ mediation as the theme for understanding the process of how the "institutionalised media [...] are involved in the general circulation of symbols in social life" (Silverstone, 2002: 762).

Mediations can be seen as a general process of communication and meaning construction (Couldry and Hepp, 2013) and also a social interface (Scolari, 2015: 1098). Therefore, the discussions are not limited to a specific message, messenger, medium, audience or context. Instead of solely focusing on the components of the product/content, it also puts emphasis on the conditions of productions, such as the formal elements that we often take for granted and the underlying ideological apparatus. At the same time, we also attempt to find new ways (through mixing and matching different forms) to illustrate the ideas that cannot be simply explained through the codex-based system.

This Archive/Information Architecture project contains my works and thoughts throughout this module, which also attempts to work as an example of how to present them in a hypertextual structure and make a good use of the multimedia features.

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