Mediation and Contemporary Digital Media

(Hyper)mediations and the rationale of hypertext

As Scolari (2015: 1099) proposed:This long quote from Scolari (2015) introduces the idea of (hyper)mediations in contemporary society, and to further understanding the new objects, methodologies and challenges, McGann's (1995) "The Rationale of HyperText" is quite useful here. He proposes there is a necessity of HyperEditing and HyperMedia to be considered in the scholarly world. He suggests the “use books to study books” and codex-based editing are not only inadequate and incomplete for academic studies, but also reaffirm the “apparatus structure”.

He examines several poets and their works (e.g. Robert Burns’ ballad and Landon’s picture poems) to show the necessity, which indicates the whole idea of HyperText (including HyperEditing and HyperMedia) is not limited to scientific aspect and/or recent times. I particularly like his example of Dickinson, which all of her poetry was produced as handicraft work. It illustrates how the texts alone fail to address the textual medium and the context in general. Also, it shows the possibilities of how handicraft work can be shown/demonstrated better in the relatively new HyperText form than the codex-based form. In my opinion, this HyperMedia also provides the opportunities for different bodies of knowledge/literature to interact with each other, as different works can somehow be linked together. (However, at the same time, thinking through the formal characteristics of "The Rationale of HyperText", such as the font size, layout, codex-based form, or even the reference style (e.g. Endnotes), these may all imply a certain established structure of thinking.)

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