Making the Best of It: Dandelion

Making the Best of It's Unpredictability Picnic Kit

Join in a ritual festivity that invites you to become more dandelion.

From trans-species oration to cow eulogies to intimate ocean tributes, this is the party of Making the Best of It, a communal service compressed into the space of a toast – to how all of us are making the best of it, now and in the future. 

Making the Best of It is a series of regionally site-specific food and art installations and community meals that feature a climate-change enabled (and often unwanted) edible species. Participants engage in tastings and conversation about the risks of climate chaos, our business-as-usual food system, ecological equity, and the short term food innovations at our disposal. In Minnesota, Making the Best of It: Dandelion invites participants to explore climate change through eating -- and eating with -- dandelions.

Northern Spark is a yearly all-night art festival that happens mid June in the Twin Cities. Making the Best of It: Dandelion premiered at 2016's Northern Spark festival themed around "Climate Chaos" and rose again the 2017 "People Rising" themed Northern Spark festival on June 10th.

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