Наследие Ссыльных Декабристов • The Legacy of the Decembrist Exiles

The Legacy of the Decembrist Exiles

On December 26, 1825, three thousand soldiers led by a group of officers rebelled against the new tsar Nicholas to demand political reform or his abdication. Unfortunately, the unsuccessful uprising led to the execution of 5 leaders and the expulsion of 124 participants. “113 of those exiled to Siberia belonged to the nobility and only 11… to the taxation classes”.1 

The Decembrists’ stay in Siberia helped her develop, as the Irkutsk doctor N.A. Belogolovy, “a contemporary and pupil of several Decembrists at once, wrote: “The simultaneous appearance of fifteen or twenty highly educated personalities in a small and diverse society of twenty thousand people could not but leave a deep trace.

​These people did not boast of their origin or superiority of education, but, on the contrary, they sought to sincerely and closely connect with the surrounding provincial environment and to bring the light of their knowledge into it”.2 Many Decembrists gave a large part of their time, their energy and their knowledge to the people of Siberia, which left a lasting legacy.

Acknowledgements & Bibliography 

Русский Текст
1 "Декабристы в Сибири," Отдых на Байкале, туры 2018 - Байкал Профи Тур, Иркутск, http://www.baikalvisa.ru/irkutsk/dekabristy_siberia/. 
2 "Декабристы в истории Иркутска – Спецпроект «355 лет Иркутску»," Спецпроект «355 лет Иркутску», (April 27, 2016), http://355.visit-irkutsk.ru/history/decembrists-in-history/.

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