Learning for Fun: the Cleveland Museum of Natural History

Learning in the Classroom

Trying to teach a classroom full of kids who keep looking out the window, itching to be outside, is easier said than done. So how do other institutions, that are not solely designed to facilitate learning, set up an environment that is conducive and effective for learning? While the likely explanation would be to make the classroom more interesting for the student to be in, in Learning Beyond the Classroom: Education for a Changing World Tom Bentley  “argues that we should focus on the connections between schools and society, relating education more closely to the challenges of adulthood” (Bentley). This situation allows the student to be more engaged and informed of the world that they are surrounded by and will enter into when they complete their schooling. Additionally, because their learning is being connected to their lives outside of school they lose some of the common thought of, ‘when will I ever use this again?’ A mentality that prohibits them from fully participating because they feel it is not important and therefor don’t need to spend time working on it.


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