Learning for Fun: the Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Learning should be an enjoyable experience, one that not only children but all ages look forward to participating in. An easy way to make learning fun is to make it be about a topic that the learner is interested in, which is easier said than done in a school setting. Another way is to engage the learner through visuals, touch, or interactive technologies. In order to more thoroughly engage learners in structured settings they are most often divided into groups of similar ages to target their interests and learning capabilities, however museums, especially ones designed to inform, have found a way to engage and inform all age ranges in one area.

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History focuses on informing the public of the natural history of the local area and of the world, doing so with window displays, informative plaques, interactive displays, and a live exhibit outdoors. 
Through their variety of display methods they are able to reach a wide range of learners without obviously informing them that they are being taught. My exploration of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History (CMNH) will focus on techniques for simplified and engaged learning through the use of visuals and interactive exhibits and how they effectively teach a range of ages in a public setting.

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