Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century


Image of part 1 of the story

In the Schoology platform, Part 1 of the VTS lesson engages the students in the following steps:

Step 1) Look at an image from a picture book.

Step 2) Think “What do you think is going on in the picture?”

Step 3) Explain “How do you know? What do you see in the picture that makes you say that?”

Step 4) Share & Post in the comments section “I think the ______ because I see ______.”

Optional: Students can take some time to read other students’ thinking and evidence/explanation and post a reply in agreement or disagreement.


Image of part 1 of the story

In the Schoology platform, Part 2 of the VTS lesson engages the students in the following steps:

Step 5) Watch the video to see how your thinking matches the story.

Step 6) Post a comment to explain how your thinking is similar/different from the actual story.

  • My thinking is similar/different because..

Step 7) Read and reply to someone else’s comment.*

  • It makes sense that..
  • I also..
  • I was surprised..

Optional: Students can take some time to read other students’ thinking and evidence/explanation and post a reply in agreement or disagreement.


comment sectioncomment section2
Sample Student Artifacts show students citing the evidence of their thinking in the comments section of the Schoology assignment platform. Students then learn from the thinking of their classmates and have the option to “Like” or post a “Reply.”


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