An Interview with Ms. Washington
Why do you use annotations? What is the benefit?
I am able to gauge student comprehension and gain insight into their opinions or their feelings on a topic. I can see its relevance to them. Annotations get them excited about reading; it helps them get into the topic. I have been focusing mainly on: immigration, environmental policy, and education policy topics that may pertain to them.”
How long have you been using annotations as a strategy?
“I have been teaching in the classroom for about five years and I have been using annotations that whole time.”
What do the students say?
“They appreciate using the symbols to express their thoughts and feelings. They like asking questions in the margins because there is no penalty for being “dumb”; feeling embarrassed about a question or a statement they are making.”
How has it been shifting to digital tools?
I love the shift. I can personalize the learning by adjusting the lexile and language. The students have access to the materials anywhere.”
- Annotations can be used as a strategy with a variety of grade levels text types, and content areas to inform more rigorous comprehension.
- Ms. Washington uses it to inform students’ writing on a particular topic or theme.
- Ms. Flowers uses annotation to “triple track” an author’s writing style, an author’s writing purpose, and students’ own opinions and understanding of a text in preparation to take the AP exam.
- Here are some other ideas: