Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century


Part I - Digital Annotation

Students digitally annotate a picture of a bee on the Skitch application. They identify and label the bee’s body parts. The teacher models how to do the digital annotation and subsequently engages the students in a “You do,” “I do” activity.  Then, students work independently and collaboratively to finish the digital annotation.  One of the reasons that students are able to work independently is that the keyboard on the iPad has a feature that helps students improve their reading and spelling skills.  As students type their sentences, the iPad keyboard displays three possible spellings for each typed word.   Students have the option to read the words and then choose a word. The correct word is then inserted into their writing.


Part 2 - Bee Video

Students import their annotated picture of the bee into their Explain Everything application. They create a video in which they choose and identify the functions of three of the bee’s body parts. The teacher models how to record and save the video, use the pen and select color tool. The teacher sets up six stations for students to record their videos. Students work independently to record and save their video. The teacher facilitates when needed.


Part 3 - Interactive Bee Poster

The following day, students create the interactive posters using the Pages application in their iPads.  Students embed their digitally annotated bee video in their poster.  Teacher models how to create the poster.  Students then work independently or with a partner to create their poster.  

Students select their images from a bundle that the teacher has airdropped.  Students lock their images in place so they won’t be moved when touched and use the comments tool to embed (secret messages and) facts about bees in their images.


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