Exploring the Latino Metropolis: A Brief Urban Cultural History of US Latinos

Latinos in Chicago

Chicago. Located in the Midwest and ranked as the third largest city in the United States of America, it is a huge, sprawling metropolis known for it's blues, jazz and theatre scene as well as it's vibrant food culture and art. The city was the land of the Potawatomi Tribe and mostly marsh alongside Lake Michigan. In 1803, European settles established Fort Dearborn. Since then, Chicago has been called different things: The Windy City, The White City, Hog Butcher for the World, City of the Big Shoulders, The City that Works, etc (1). But most importantly, it has always been a city of immigrants. By 1870, about 48% of the city's population was made up of immigrants. It wouldn't be until the immigration reforms of 1965 that the first Latino immigrants would be finding their way to The Windy City (2)

Today Chicago boosts the 5th largest Latino population in the US (3).

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