Latinidad on Youtube: How Prominent Comedic Latino YouTubers Display their Latinidad through their Content


            As the Latino population in the United States of America expands exponentially, the importance of representation of latinidad in the media grows as well. It is important not only to have representation in traditional media platforms such as movies or TV shows on satellite or cable networks but also in new and modern online platforms, such as YouTube, that are of ever-increasing popularity, especially with Latino youth. YouTubers like Lele Pons, Eric Ochoa, and David Lopez are part of the growing numbers of Latino YouTubers that represent latinidad through their comedic content.

            However, it is also important for these YouTubers, who, through YouTube and other video-sharing platforms (such as Vine), have achieved celebrity status, to be careful of how they represent latinidad to their growing audiences. Pons, Ochoa, and Lopez use tools like the comedic use of stereotypes, the use of language, the use of references to heritage, and the use of music to represent latinidad, but some of these tools can easily be turned against them. The comedic use of stereotypes, for example, can quickly be altered to damage the image of an entire culture. Overall, though, these YouTubers are critical contributors to the representation of latinidad in the media, allowing this marginalized community to see their faces and hear their voices in a popular video-streaming network.

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