This path was created by Emily Lindbloom.  The last update was by Anne Heath.

The Abbey of La Trinité in Vendôme, France and the Cult of the Holy Tear: An Exploration of a Multi-Sensory Devotional Experience

Chapter 1: Founding a Monastery

Chapter 1 sets the stage for the following chapters. I argue that the Holy Tear first came into existence in the mid- to late-twelfth century due to the political ambitions of the abbey and the spiritual priorities of abbot Geoffrey of Vendôme. The primary materials I use to outline the historical and political context for La Trinité’s eleventh-century founding include published volumes of the abbey’s charters, edited by Charles Métais, and an eleventh-century manuscript recording the annals of the abbey, University Oxford, Bodleian Library MS 309. I review the liturgical calendars and the sermons of Geoffrey of Vendôme to reassess the foundation narrative of La Trinité and the creation of the Holy Tear in the twelfth century.


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