12022-04-05T11:10:55-07:00Matthew Frabottab8f83b704c65ca14c88dbca4687a2624c2d8482b404568plain2022-04-07T13:46:41-07:00Matthew Frabottab8f83b704c65ca14c88dbca4687a2624c2d8482bThe men that did stay in the area began to work in the railroad industry. Railroad companies took advantage of the geographic position of Ashtabula. The first railroad to come to Ashtabula was the Pittsburgh, Youngstown and Ashtabula Railway (P. Y. & A.), a subsidiary of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The second was the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway (L. S. & M. S.). These railways connected Ashtabula to the major industrial centers at the time. jobs/positions of Italian laborers, working conditions.
probably images of census stuff, railroad images
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1media/Map_thumb.jpg2022-04-06T19:49:41-07:00Railroad Map2Railroad Map of the P. Y. & A.media/Map.jpgplain2022-04-19T12:33:12-07:00