Italian American Culture_SP18

Latin Living

Giuseppe ultimately accomplish his dream of becoming a tailor. I do not know precisely why or how, but this happened in Argentina. According to Stahle (2010, pp. 23), immigration to Argentina was an opportune time for Italians. With the push factor of a recession in Europe, Italians were all the more enticed to cross the  Atlantic for opportunity because "Argentina and Brazil lured workers by promising free housing, guaranteed employment, land at advantageous prices, and periods of tax exemptions." This was in many cases the pattern for migrant work, but some people like Giuseppe stayed. Note, the Italians who went to Argentina fared better and had more opportunities. Good choice, Giuseppe!

Giuseppe settled in Los Liebres in the province of Santa Fe, where he lived until coming to America. While there, he married Sofia Toti of Gallicano (Province of Lucca), who was nine years his junior. Another key difference, as evidenced from the signatures of witnesses at the wedding, is that she had moved to Argentina with her parents.

Along with their names, the certificate also lists their professions:
Giuseppe Gialdini: “Comerciante” = merchant
Enrique (Enrico) Gialdini: “Empleado” = employee
Sofia Toti = “Lavores del sexo” = “housewife”
Adela Mucci = “Lavores del sexo” = “housewife”

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