INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context


In a country like Haiti, where half of the population is under the age of 18 years, the education sector should be particularly important for the country. However, the education sector in Haiti presents a significant challenge. Considering that 80 percent of the schools in Haiti are private, it presents a huge gap in the quality of education in the country as only the affluent minority is able to access high quality education in the private system. This is also true for its Chile counterpart where the country’s education sector is highly dominated by privatization. However, the difference of the two countries’ education sector appears in that in Haiti, both the public and private schools as for school fees which means that education can be out of reach especially for the poor Haitians who live on less than one dollar a day. Un like Haiti, in Chile, eight years of primary education are free and compulsory meaning that even the poorest of all in Chile has at least access to basic education. This paper compares and contrasts the education sector in Haiti and Chile by identifying some of the differences and similarities.

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