Estado Novo
The Estado Novo era under Vargas led Brazil into a constant strive for Westernization throughout decades, enforcing ideals through political actions. This desire to modernize and implement western ideology in Brazil led to both social and political systematic issues. Getúlio Vargas, president of Brazil from 1930-1945, based his presidency on establishing a new modern Brazil by utilizing government intervention. Vargas implemented programs that helped the working class and created new jobs through new tariffs on goods. The Estado Novo era was a time of great change that led many Brazilians to prosper economically but ignored the importance of true Brazilian culture and its people. This era under Vargas arguably became an authoritative regime that focused on rebuilding a nationalistic ideology that was based to use for his ideology. This nationalistic view instigated a specific individual that Vargas idealized and implemented new values to better society.
Policies Under Vargas
Vargas implemented the Ministry of Labor, Industry, and Commerce as one of his first administrative actions that were designated to expand the labor laws in Brazil. “The proclamation of 1943, Consolidação das Leis do Trabalbo (CLT), was a comprehensive and detailed document that establishes not only worker’s rights but also specific guarantees and conditions for many professional groups, as well as the official union structure, in similar bases for workers and employers''. This proclamation then became the foundation for workers' rights throughout the decades and dedicated enforcement of labor laws.
The increased policies that Brazil led to grow not only increased economic and political growth within the country, but also within Haiti. The increased military presence that Brazil established within Haiti led Brazil to take a political power move within Latin America. The polices that remained active after the reign of Vargas led Brazil to become one of the most controlling powers in Latin America. The effort to stabilize Haiti through military powers became a prime example of the effect of Nationalism that instilled in Brazil for decades.