In Camera: a Video Practice of Living, Learning and ConnectingMain MenuReadMeGeneral information on the project including an introduction and guideOpening the ArchiveIn Camera is a video archive, this is where you enterGrid View12-channel video gridLearning CamerasHow my practice and identity grewCases of Theory, Practice and PedagogyCase studies of documentary film production and teaching graduate studentsBridgeA transition out of the archive to two key casesJAVC in CameraJunior AV Club overview of action research project on early childhood media rich learningMAPP In CameraMedia Activism and Participatory Politics, applying research through collaborative storytelling in and out of the academyHypercinemasConcluding with a snapshot of now and soonAcknowledgementsA space to appreciate the many people who made this work possibleWorks CitedWorks CitedGabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0
MYG Ideas and Advice for Future
12015-01-28T09:58:29-08:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea022603Ideas and Advice for Futureplain2017-06-30T09:10:56-07:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0
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1media/flashback paper.jpg2015-01-24T17:33:59-08:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0Muslim Youth Group Fantasy News Cast ProjectGabriel Peters-Lazaro13A weeklong summer program based on imagination and actionstructured_gallery2017-01-12T13:32:15-08:00Gabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0
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12015-01-24T17:29:37-08:00MYG advice to future students1plain2015-01-24T17:29:37-08:00YouTube2015-01-24T22:26:39.000ZvideolBntb3eXF6gEducationGabriel Peters-Lazaro