In Camera: a Video Practice of Living, Learning and Connecting



Section 5: Bridge

This section externalizes a sticking point in which I found myself as I was shaping the archival tour of In Camera. I was reaching the point where I knew I wanted to work in an exploration of the key case studies of The Junior AV Club (JAVC) and the Media Activism and Participatory Politics (MAPP) project. In form, these areas of the archive are like the others - exhaustive, eclectic, spanning several years each, containing long takes of unedited video footage which I had not perused for a long time. But these cases are different in their simultaneous nature as research projects that are related to but also standing alone from In Camera. I have previously reflected, curated and shared aspects of these works at Digital Media and Learning conferences and at formal academic meetings of the Youth and Participatory Politics research network, to name a couple of examples.

I was searching for a way to acknowledge and contextualize those aspects of the work, yet situate them firmly in the framework of this project here and now. The strategy upon which I landed was one that took me circling back, to explore the sites and relationships of the domestic space where self resides. To explore the external environment where the digital video work was taking shape, and find a way to link and nest these elements visually. To again acknowledge and foreground the authorial self as just one experiential node in a network of realities, offering this multifaceted view of what I found to resonate.

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