Interactive Education



        Technology is constantly changing the way in which we interact with and experience the world around us. Emerging digital media provides a toolset through which we can change how we access and utilize information. Within the field of education, technology and media can serve as tools to revolutionize the process of learning, specifically with children. Children are likely to have an exposure to technology outside of the classroom, with tablets and smartphones being the standard in most homes. It comes as no surprise that these devices are sneaking their way into the classroom, sometimes with a positive outcome and sometimes as mere distractions. Since a natural affinity for interactive technology already exists within today’s youth, why not nurture it for the purpose of learning?
         This is where a project like InterU comes in, as it combines digital media and interactivity to create custom experiences made to expand youth’s exposure to academia. Using games, interactive quizzes and tailored media, the program would make a child’s interaction with traditional (analog) information more fun, engaging and ultimately more productive. The focus of this project would start within the walls of USC, as so many K-12 schools tour campus daily as an effort to introduce youth to the world of “higher education.” Such tours are often generic in that they don’t tailor to the specific interests of the students, and often don’t evolve much from year to year.
         As such, a program like InterU could disrupt this paradigm by allowing digital assets created for specific portions of the tour to be customizable depending on a child’s age and interests. Furthermore, the program would incorporate games and quizzes related to each campus location visited on the tour, with the purpose of both delivering information and educational content, but also making sure the students stay entertainment and focused during the entirety of the tour.  The digital interface of the program allows for its rapid modification, which means that high school students can chose to receive interactive information about applying to college, while younger students receive easy games more suited for their age level. Ultimately, InterU intertwines knowledge and academic resources, physical tour of an university and an interactive digital platform to provide students in the local South Central area with a more meaningful experience within the USC campus.



This prototype was compiled using Processing. You may download it from


        A focus early on in terms of the visual design of my project was color. I read an article ( about designing websites for children, and learned that colors can either make or break the aesthetics due to the way in which children experience color. For example, the color palette should provide high contrast because that is easier for children to dissect, and also draws their focus. In Universal Principles of Design, they talk about choosing a color palette that has fewer than 5 colors, and makings sure it sticks to color theory in that the colors compliment each other in regards to the color wheel. Using this knowledge, I chose a palette which was geared towards children, yet also made of complimentary hues and kept below that “5 colors” rule. 
       I also followed the rules of “Consistency” within the design of my prototype, as similar parts were kept visually similar throughout. As the text states, systems are easier to digest and understand if like components within are also visually consistent. Aesthetically, all “Location” components of my prototype use the same font, color palette, layout and language. 


Month 1- collect research, study it and compile it for the use towards this project.
Month 2- figure out logistics: access to technology, platforms available, working with USC, taking to campus tour office.
Month 3- Start program: collect/ make my own media assets, photos, video material, etc.
Month 4- Put compiled material into working platform, wether it be an App or something else (Augmented reality, etc).
Month 5- Have all main locations on USC campus tour plotted and connected to either a game or interactive feature. Have customization for at least 2 age groups (Middle School/High School).
Month 6- Finish program and test it on actual tour groups.

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