Identity in E-Lit

Works Cited

Caillois, Roger. “The Definition of Play and the Classification of Games.” The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology, edited by Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman, The MIT Press, 2006, pp. 122-149. 

Davis, Juliet. "Pieces of Herself." <>.

Flanagan, Mary, and Helen Nissenbaum. Values at Play in Digital Games. The MIT Press, 2014.

Heilman, Elizabeth E. “The Struggle for Self.” The Struggle for SelfYouth &Amp; Society - ELIZABETH E. HEILMAN, 1998, Sages Publications, Dec. 1998,

Kestenberg, JillBounded by our Bodies: A Theoretical Essay on Female Identity and Gender Deconstruction. CUJAH, 2012

Screenshots of Gameplay from  Fitting the Pattern by Christine Wilks. Taken by Kalan Hurdle.

Balsam, Rosemary. "Integrating Male and Female Elements in a Woman's Gender Identity". Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis, 2001.

Wilks, Christine. "Fitting the Pattern."

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