Identity in E-Lit


Our names are Colin Crago, Kalan Hurdle, and Freddie Sanabria , and we have curated an exhibit of E-Lit works that have central themes of identity. The works we are showcasing are “Pieces of Herself” by Juliet Davis, “Fitting the Pattern” by Christine Wilks, and “My Body - a Wunderkammer” by Shelley Jackson. We took the approach of looking at each work as a whole, examining particular elements such as design, mechanics, and narrative, and relating the work to the overarching theme of identity.

"Pieces of Herself" takes the reader on an interactive journey through a small world, discovering physical objects that embody a woman's identity. In "Fitting the Pattern," readers find themselves stitching together a story about how our identities are shaped by our families. In "My Body - a Wunderkammer," readers explore a woman's body and realize the links between our physicality and identity. Through our research and exploration, we discovered how the interactivity and design of each work of electronic literature enforce and articulate these themes of identity in their own particular and unconventional ways.

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