Are Mobsters Monsters?

Charles "Lucky" Luciano

Charles Luciano, an Italian born raised in New York's Lower East Side, earned his nickname "Lucky" by surviving the wrath of angry men who tried to kill him.  Also, Luciano's decision to split "New York City into five crime families" and his creation of "'the Commission, which served as a governing body for organized crime nationwide, earned him the reputation of being the father of modern organized crime in the United States.  As the father of modern organized crime, Luciano naturally became "the most powerful chief of American organized crime in the early 1930s and a major influence even from prison in 1936–45 ."  Via Luciano's organization, he managed to gain influence in businesses such as lotteries, waterfronts, bakeries, and narcotics. Hence why, with so much power and influence, there was no capable method in place to control Luciano and corruption transpired across the states sabotaging societal norms.

As apparent as it is that "Lucky Luciano played a pivotal role in creating the National Crime Syndicate and is considered the mastermind behind modern organized crime in America," one cannot only believe the organization of top crime leaders was his only dangerous activity. The cut-throat, mobster was also, the head of the Genovese family (one of the big 5 in NYC) and he was out for blood. Luciano is responsible for ordering the murder of dozens of people, including the murder of his own boss, Giuseppe Masseria. Therefore, Luciano did not have mercy on anybody and was willing to kill whomever he wanted in order to get ahead and to stay in power. "After arranging a hit on his own boss, [Luciano] was found guilty on a raft of prostitution charges on June 5, 1936." The prostitution charges are further evidence that Luciano lacked morality and thrived on power. More specifically, Luciano "was convicted of more than 60 counts of compulsory prostitution" and this illustrates that he repeatedly exploited others, in this case women, to make money. Therefore, again, Luciano did not have a moral regard for others and fostered a toxic, corrupt society. 

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