Historical Recipes in the Digital Age

George Boole's College Puddings

110g/4 oz raisins 
2 tablespoons sherry/dry white wine 
60g/2 ½ oz breadcrumbs 
50g/ 2 oz flour 
½ Tablespoon of baking powder 
1-1 ½ teaspoon of freshly ground nutmeg 
25g/1 oz candied lemon peel 
75g/3 oz. butter 
50g/2 oz caster sugar (or suet, optional) 
1 large egg 
6 tablespoons milk 

Nutmeg and lemon for garnishing. 
Preheat the oven. 
In a small bowl soak the raisins in the sherry or wine for about an hour or until they have plumped-up and absorbed all the liquid. 
In a large bowl mix the flour, breadcrumbs, baking powder and sugar. 
Mix in the raisins and candid lemon. 
Gently melt the butter in a saucepan over a low heat and pour in a dry mixture along with the egg and milk. 
Mix the batter and fill the greased pudding bowls 
Bake the puddings in a bain marie for 30-35 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when inserted into the middle of the puddings. 
Remove from the oven and leave to stand while you make the sauce 

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