12015-11-20T16:59:46-08:00Esther Taati31697e73f53abcbd38abd462a9615a294727d48457352African artists, living on the continent and abroad, grappling with dissimilar identity, displacement, diaspora.plain2015-12-02T15:52:47-08:00Queen Stevenson601b8ca88f2ba41a5705841f663c2e4df8e133a9The 2000s mark a continuation of earlier themes of displacement and diaspora for African artists and artists with African origins. During this time, many African nationals are engaging with western art traditions, and sometimes riffing off of them in order to repair a damaged narrative that has traditionally left their people out. Johannes Phokela, for example, directly re-imagines the works of renaissance artists by inserting commentaries and imagery from African histories. This decade is all about contextualizing what African identities mean in a global arena (in the continent, and abroad).