The Varieties and Complexities of American Handwriting and Penmanship: Library Hand

Thomas Edison's Early Vertical Writing Style and One Path It May Have Taken Into the Twentieth Century

After abandoning the joined, florid, cursive writing style of the time, Edison experimented until he created a fast and legible manuscript print style suited for copying material as a telegraph clerk, and it was a style that was perpetuated among and imitated by other telegraph clerks.,_Letter_to_John_Clark_Van_Duzer,_page_1,_1868

While Edison's style remains unacknowledged as a vertical style in books on the history of penmanship, it clearly is upright, unlike the style of the time. However, it is fair to say that he neither authored a book on penmanship nor taught it in any institutions, and so he cannot be seen as among those who influenced the nation's youth nor those outside of telegraph offices. His style and news of his efforts did, however, reach Melvil Dewey, who was perhaps inspired by Edison. Melvil later introduces "library hand," itself a vertical style, as the official style to be used by all librarians. Like Edison, he was interested in speed, efficiency, and legibility. One can think of the vertical style as the handwritten equivalent to the typewriter, which was rapidly evolving as a fast and efficient office machine that created its own vertical print.,_Library_handwriting,_also_know_as_library_hand,_1887

However, likely neither Edison nor Dewey would have probably approved of the evolution of their vertical script ideals. In many writers, vertical script evolves into a backhand style. Here is a library card written for a gift received in 1909. This particular script has the worst qualities of being somewhat ornate, which Edison had avoided; it is also not in Dewey's prescribed style. And of course, it is harder to read since it is both slanted, and slanted backwards. Oh, progress!

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