Gospel Thrillers: Conspiracy, Fiction, and the Vulnerable Bible

Extras: Reviews, interviews, and other media

On this page you'll find additional media about Gospel Thrillers: reviews, interviews, podcasts, blogposts, and a few special other "extras." 

Interested in buying Gospel Thrillers? Click here for options!

"The Vulnerable Bible in Fact and Fiction,Center for the Study of World Religions Newsletter (February 27, 2024)

I took The Page 99 Test! Click here to read all about it.

"Gospel Thrillers! When Jesus Meets Robert Ludlum," Misquoting Jesus podcast with Bart Ehrman (January 30, 2024)
(You can also just listen to the audio podcast)

Dan Piepenbring, "New Books," Harpers Magazine (December 2023)

Cathy Lynn Grossman, "Thrillers Reveal Real Biblical Fears," Publishers Weekly (November 13, 2023)

Watch me discuss Gospel Thrillers for the "Books Known Only By Title" colloquium (June 8, 2022):


Gospel Thrillers Title Generator: Click here to create your own Gospel Thriller title, courtesy of Colin Whiting of Dumbarton Oaks!

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