Global Stories by. Eden G

Second Reflection

 I would also like to participate more actively in class discussions and get over the anxiety that my point may seem dumb or simplistic, because participation is always beneficial—which is another thing we discuss often in class. I would also like to change my perception more generally how I look at “success,” in the way that merely engaging with ideas is merely a “success.” In conclusion, for my goals for the class I would like to actively engage with the readings and in class every week. Furthermore, I would like my final takeaway from this class to not only learn about digital storytelling but change the way I think about my goals for my academic journey and learning. 

However, I am still somewhat concerned about the final project and all the assignments relating to the final. Somewhat contradicting what I just wrote about in the paragraph above, I do worry that my final digital project will not be profound or creative enough. I feel like I do not have enough life experiences to draw on to create a good final project. But I am sure I can work through it and be proud of my final project. Though, I do think the self-representation week may help with this and maybe I will learn different ways I can represent myself through digital storytelling. I also continue to worry about my ability to create a well-rounded project, despite my lack of familiarity with a lot of computing software. But, as I have been working with Scalar, what used to be very intimidating has become a very rewarding experience. I look to the future with hesitant enthusiasm as I am intimidated by the remaining projects, with presentations and not being quite sure what our digital storytelling screening will entail and what my story map will look like. However, referring to my first paragraph, I do think that all levels of expertise is acceptable as well as personal engagement.  

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